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Stress relief

December 17, 2012 - Author: don.ellis - Comments are closed

In our business, stress is not something that you can use yoga, meditation, or even exercise to cure.
Steel is subjected to stress in the weld affected areas of a weldment.
It’s kind of like making a fist and tightening all the muscles in your arm.
Eventually you’ll need to relax your muscles.
Eventually the stresses in the weldment would also relax.
The problem is, that could take months.
In those months of relaxing, the weldments shape and size can change.
This can be a problem if the weldment needs to be very precise.
In this day and age of needing everything now, We need to hurry up this process.
The most common method is thermal stress relief.
That is, putting it in an oven and controlled heating and cooling of the entire Weldment.
The less common method is to vibratory stress Relieve.
That is, clamping a vibrator to the weldment, and vibrating it until it stress relieves.
That’s stress relieve 101. It’s not just for humans.

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